New Feature: Gmail integration with Client record

We are excited to announce a new feature for our Client Support Software: Gmail integration within the Client record. This feature allows you to view all the emails related to a client from your Google Workspace account without leaving the CMA. You can also filter out irrelevant or sensitive email addresses by using exclusion patterns. Here’s how it works:

  • To enable this feature, you need to have a Google Workspace Service level account with Domain Wide delegation. This allows our software to access your emails on behalf of your users. Please contact us so that we can set it up on your behalf.
  • After enabling the feature, you can go to any Client record in the CMA and the relevant Gmail messages associated with the Client email will be displayed in the Info tab, under the Email Activity section. You can click on any email summary to see the full text message in the CMA.
  • The Email Activity section is updated asynchronously, so there is no performance penalty when loading the Client record.

We hope this feature will help you improve your communication with your clients and streamline your workflow. If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us at