Add Setting variables to generate Client Monthly Statements

There are two new Setting variables that can be used to generate Client Monthly Statement for Active Clients:



These work like the QUARTERLY variables. If a DocumentTemplateID is specified for DOCUMENTTEMPLATEID_DMA_MONTHLY_STATEMENT, that Template is generated on the 1st day of each month and appended to the Client’s Extranet Documents.

Similarly, if a DocumentTemplateID is specified for DOCUMENTTEMPLATEID_DMA_MONTHLY_STATEMENT_EMAIL, that Document is emailed to the Client.

If either of the Documents generate are blank, they are ignored. This can be used to only generate Statements for Client’s in certain States.

To only generate monthly statements for Client’s in Iowa, Indiana, and Michigan, the Document Template that contains the Monthly Statement can be wrapped by this conditional statement:

{if in_array($Client.clientAddressState, [“IA”, “IN”, “MI”])}



Statement Text goes here




Support for Extranet Wet/Drawn Signatures

The Extranet now supports drawing the Client signature either with a mouse or touch based device.

To enable the custom signature on an Extranet Phase, edit the phase and set Wet Signature Required to Y.


When set to Y, a drawing rectangle appears on the Extranet Phase above the Client’s typed name.

The signature is included as an image as part of the generated Extranet Document stored with the Client record.


Creditor Minimum Finance Charge field

A Creditor Minimum Finance Charge field has been added to the Creditor record. When a value is provided, the greater of the monthly computed interest or this amount is used when estimating current ClientCredit balances.


Field as it appears in the Creditor record:


When a ClientCredit record is linked with a Creditor that has an amount in this field, the amount is displayed under the Current APR field.

Company Monthly Fee Schedule Changes

The mechanism to compute Monthly Fee rules has been rewritten to provide support for computations based on a Client’s LMA Start date (clientDateStarted). When no date is specified for a rule, it applies from the beginning of time.

There is a new System Permission called FeeSchedule that allows adding/editing rules.

Under System Management/Company, the rules are displayed:


Editing a rule:


When an Effective Date is specified, the rule is only used for Clients that have an LMA Start date after the effective date. The most recent rule is always used. If no rules apply for a specific state, the DEFAULT rule is used. The DEFAULT rule may also contain effective dates.

A Minimum Amount may be specified and is used when the Formula evaluates to a value lower than this amount.

Maximum Amount may be specified.

Maximum Formula is used when a conditional Maximum Amount is required.

Formula is a PHP expression where listed variables are substituted with their corresponding values.

There is a new formula parameter called campaignID that can be used to vary the monthly fee based on Lead Source.

A Note can be added to each rule. This is a good place to store the rule description or the corresponding legislation.


DMA Calculator:

The DMA Calculator displays Monthly Fee rules for the Client’s Company. In the example below, the LMA Payment of the Client is 04/06/2015. As a result, the FL rule with no date is used. The used rule along with its substitutions and evaluations appears under Evaluated Formula.


By modifying the date to 02/01/2018 in the Calculator, the more recent rule is used:


The Monthly Fee Schedule is Company specific. Any changes made to one Company, should be evaluated to determine if it is necessary to duplicate for another Company.

Task Creation SQL

A new optional Task field Creation SQL will only automatically create the ClientTask when the specified SQL statement returns a positive number.

The SQL statement is evaluated in the same manner as the Expire Time SQL field.

In the example below, the Task is only created when the Client’s state is Florida.


The string <CLIENTID> is replaced by the Client’s clientID value.

Task Default Note Update

When a value is specified for a Task’s Default Note, that text appears in the ClientTask note when it is created.

Support has been added to use Smarty syntax to provide support for conditional logic and dynamic text.

In the example below, the text “Check the Monthly Fee Annually” is only appended to a newly created ClientTask when the Client’s state is AZ.

Only the $Client Smarty Template variable is available. Available variables are listed in the DocumentTemplate section.


Set Drop Reason when Client is Incomplete

The following changes have been made when setting a Client Phase to Incomplete.

  • The Disposition Code and Creditor Drop Reason are hidden until the phase is changed to Incomplete
  • ClientCredit accounts with an Accepted Proposal Status are updated as follows: Proposal Status is set to Queued, Proposal Reason is set to DR (Drop), and Drop Reason is set to the option provided in the Admin tab.

Positive Pay File Updates

The logic for Positive Pay file and Void Check file creation has been refactored and unified.

Bank records have a new field: Positive Pay File Format. 

If generating Positive Pay files or Void Check files from the CMA, select one of the available formats.


The Actions section of the Disbursement Report now allows the selection of a Bank which determines the file format of the Positive Pay file.


Generating a Positive Pay file from the Disbursement report creates a File History record of type: Positive Pay.

The File History records now contain the name of the Positive Pay file that was generated.

The benefit of the new format is that a Company with multiple Banks can generate multiple Positive Pay files by selecting the appropriate Bank.



Add new Setting value: NSF_RETURN_CODES

When importing ACH failures, the Return Codes listed in this Setting will generate an NSF Payment/Creditor record.

If no value is specified, the system automatically uses return codes R01, and R10.

An example value for this Setting is:


System Permissions

System Permissions enable customization of default access Groups to specific functionality within the CMA.

System Permissions are available under System Management.

In this sample view, the name of the permission is listed along with the Default Groups specified by the System. The AreaCode permission has been customized to allow access to DMAManager and DMAAdministrator Groups. When Custom Groups are provided, they override the Default Groups.

When customizing a permission, a comma delimited list of permission groups or Users are specified. Autocomplete is enabled in the fields, which allows typing of the Group or User names.

If Allowed Users are specified, the listed Users have access to the permission. This is in addition to the Default/Custom Groups.

Likewise, a list of Excluded Users indicates which Users will not have access to the permission.

To remove a customization, apply the Delete it.

Creating Custom User Groups

Custom User Groups may be created in the System Codes table.

To add a custom Group, create a new Record, with a Table value of UserGroupLink, a Field value of userGroupLinkGroup, and a numeric Value. It is recommended that Custom Groups begin with a value of 900 to differentiate them from System Groups.

An example of a new User Group called, Super Users.

This new Group may now be assigned to Users and used as a Custom Group under System Permissions.


A view of available Groups when editing a User.


The combination of System Permissions and User Groups allows customization to access within the CMA.

NSF Creditors

In order to facilitate the automatic creation of an NSF Creditor record for a Client whose ACH payment fails, the following changes have been made:

  • Client/Creditor tab now displays balances for Contributors when the balance > 0.
    Since Monthly Fee Creditors do not have a balance, none will be shown for existing accounts.
  • My DMA Tasks now has a Creditor name filter. This facilitates filtering for all Payoff Tasks associated with a specific Creditor.
  • The daily Payoff Task job will now generate a Task for Contributors with a positive clientCreditBalance.
  • Added a new Setting field: NSF_CREDITORID. If a value exists for this field, importing ACH failures will add this Creditor to the Client record instead of creating an NSF Payment record.

Merging a TransUnion Credit Report

When pulling a TransUnion Credit Report, a Merge screen is presented prior to importing the account information.

A set of buckets where accounts can be dragged and dropped are presented:

  • Existing Accounts
  • Add Credit Report Accounts
  • Not In Program
  • Do not Import

If a Credit Report account number matches an existing account, the Credit Report’s account is merged with the existing account and relevant information is updated for the existing account.

Accounts that have remarks indicating CLOsed or INActive are automatically placed in the Do Not Import Bucket.


CSP Tier Validation

Prior to sending Paperwork in the LMA, if a CSP Tier has been selected for at least one ClientCredit account, validation is performed to ensure that the correct Tier has been selected. If a Tier mismatch occurs, an error message is displayed indicating the Tier that must be selected.

This is useful if information is modified after selecting a CSP Tier.

ClientCredit Closed Reason

There is a new field clientCreditClosedReason.

Default options are:

  • Not In Program
  • Paid in Full
  • Client Removed
  • Creditor Removed
  • Non Participating Creditor
  • Insufficient Information

Additional values can be added under System Management/System Codes

When Closing a ClientCredit record, a reason can be provided.

In the LMA, when an account is not included in the program, the Close reason is automatically set to: Not In Program.

When importing a TransUnion CreditReport and selecting to import an account under the Not In Program bucket, the Close reason is also updated.

The DMA Creditors tab shows NOT IN PROGRAM under the Acct Status column of Closed accounts with that reason.

The Phase TimeLine and Manager Report do not include accounts with a reason of Not In Program when computing Total Creditors per Client.


There is a new Setting key: NSF_FEES_BY_STATE.

When a value is provided, it overrides the default NSF Fees when importing failed ACH payments. When blank, the system defaults are used.

Example values:



TransUnion Credit Report Pull

The ability to import Credit Reports along with a Credit Score via the TransUnion API has been added.

A new action, Pull Credit Report is displayed in the LMA / Creditors tab for members of LMAAdministrator and DMAAdministrator.

Pulling the Credit Report via API performs the following functions:

  • saves the TransUnion XML response string as a new ClientDoc.
  • updates the Client’s Credit Score
  • Adds ClientCredit records for all accounts that do not have a remarks of CLOsed or INActive. Accounts with a balance of $0 are imported with an account status of CLOSED


Account setup with TransUnion is required prior to using the feature.